how to do laser cutting machine maintenance

laser cutting machine maintenance

laser cutting machine maintenance

Water requirements for chiller of laser cutting machine:

1. The equipment chiller needs to change the cooling water once a month, replace the filter element every three months, or clean the filter element.

2. Selection of cooling water: Distilled water contains very few minerals, and long-term water circulation produces very little scale, which plays a good role in protecting the laser. Therefore, the cooling water must use deionized water or distilled water.

3. Note that every time we change the water, we need to pay attention to emptying the cooling water in the water tank before adding new cooling water!

4. If the distilled water and filter element are not replaced on time, the water channel of the chiller will be blocked, which will affect the normal operation of the equipment and the service life of the equipment. Keep this in mind!

Laser antifreeze maintenance requirements:

When the environment in which the equipment is used is often powered off, water from the water cooler cannot guarantee emptying every day, and antifreeze must be used. The use volume of antifreeze accounts for 10% -20% of the volume of the water tank and cannot exceed 20%.

Requirements for maintenance of mechanical oil and circuit are important laser cutting machine maintenance

Many equipment that has been used for more than half a year has begun to suffer from non-circular cutting or jitter. The reason for this is that the equipment is lack of maintenance of laser cutting machine,or the use of lubricant is incorrect.

1. Regarding the frequency of laser cutting machine maintenance, it is normal to clean and oil once a week as the standard. If the machine is cutting for a long time, the amount of refueling should be increased accordingly.
2. Lubricant selection: good quality equipment lubricant。
Please use qualified lubricating oil, and wipe off excess solid lubricating oil, because solid lubricating oil is very easy to attract dust, so as to prevent dust from entering the guide rail rack and wearing the rack. This is a piece of,laser cutting machine maintenance knowledge that is easily overlooked.

3. Our equipment is equipped with an automatic oil circuit system. It is necessary to regularly check whether the oil tank is working normally and whether the oil circuit is blocked.

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